my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ lana z porter ] simplifood

tomorrow's woofie's last day at work. so of course, this week we had to order an obscene amount of chinese food one last time from gourmet garden. and we were trying to think of other food-ordery situations that we needed to recreate but we couldn't. but i just remembered! sharing 8 rolls of sushi and finishing it ALL. bon fresco. oh, bon fresco. and - once in awhile - gyros and/or pf changs lunch. its true.

love these super simple depictions of food. would be even cooler without the text - relying on the fact that the designs are clear enough that you don't need to point out what they're supposed to be. but either way - awesome!

[ links ]
simplifood: click
lana z porter: click

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