my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ perhacs studio ] adaptation

super delay on the blogging. its not AUGUST and i haven't blogged since july. at least it was the last day of july, though, yeah? in any case, i'm back. back again. sa-har's back. tell a friend. i was in california until the 7th and i've been SO jetlagged that all i could manage was to work and eat for the past week. but fear not, blogging will be had!!

i am in LOVE with this magnet&wood-base vase by perhacs studio (haha inadvertent rhyme). for someone who likes to change up aesthetics as often as possible (have you seen my hair?), this is perfection. not only would i be able to change up the flowers/plants in each vase, but i'd also be able to change up the positioning of the vials vases. the possibilities are endless!!

and, hey, i could even use them as shot glasses. ok maybe not. but in college, someone DID have a set of vials that we used for jägerbombs once. yeah. it happened.

[ links ]
adaptation: click
perhacs studio: click

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