my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ 6 picks ] just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower

- hans christian anderson

flowers are one of those things that can easily look kitsch and corny and frumpy in art/design. but if done right, bootaful! i never thought i'd be the kind of girl who likes flowers but i dooo. sometimes, i randomly find myself buying flowers for no reason except that they're lovely.

these are my elegant floral art and design picks.

queen takes bishop: digital collage
by lisa falzon
[ her work is AMAZINGLY done. this is a favorite, for sure ]

white on white: single bud vase
by cynthia vardhan
[ she does all her ceramic work by hand! ]

by poetrie

kiss and tell: acrylic and graphite on board
by camilla engman
[ this swedish artist's work is very minimalist and stoic ]

by deena & ozzy
[ the shape of this shoe is pleasing ]

dandelion mobile wallpaper: french grey with white
by missprint
[ i like every color combo!! ]

[ links ]
queen takes bishop: click
white on white vase: click
petal to the metal: click
kiss and tell: click
perimeter oxford shoe: click
dandelion mobile wallpaper: click

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