my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ simon dovar ] mic check

(mic check)

its currently 2:35am. i just got back from a soberly fun karaoke session w/ the fam. it was pretty awesome, as usual. mainly because we are just soOo awesome - obviously. that's just how we does. haha but really, i freaking love karaoke (노래방 = noreh bang = nrb = karaoke... in korean). we forgot to sing a lotta songs but we did end up singing a buncha songs we don't normally sing, which was aweeeeeeeesomeee!!! 

i love mic check by simon dovar. he utilizes negative space SO WELL. i'm infinitively (not a word) impressed b/c i saw the word before i realized they were all microphones! the mic one is def my fave of his text+negativespace pieces. but below are a couple of others!

(left to right: bir, fall)

[ links ]
mic check: click
simon dovar: click
on society6: click

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