my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ jan von holleben ] dreams of flying

i think what i'm going to do from now until halloween is share things that could be halloween-esque. scary. spooky. creepy. costumed-y (not a word but yanno). halloween is one of my favourite 'holidays' - i love dressing up and i love scary movies and i love all things creeeeeeeepy. moohahaha.

this photography series by jan von holleben is SO FREAKIN FUN. i have no words. the feeling - innocence, childhood, imagination - reminds me of jason lee's photos of his daughters (which i CAN'T believe i didn't blog about o_O maybe i need to do an entry on that this week). in any case, this photography series is ongoing since 2008. how FUN would they be as accompanying "illustrations" to a children's storybook.

[ links ]
dreams of flying: click
jan von holleben: click

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