my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ eve sweeney ] burlesque

i still don't actually HAVE my halloween costume ready for this saturday. i know what i want to be (it's a ssssssecret though!) but i haven't gotten the actual outfit part yet. i'm thinking of going to the gym early in the morning tmrw and then popping over to pollysue's vintage in takoma park before work (if i can GO TO SLEEP at a normal time tonight, that is). if not tomorrow, then thursday definitely. other than that, the only place i can think of that would have what i'd need is american apparel and i am not trying to spend the money that it'd cost there.

anyway, continuing along the halloween theme. in a way. these painted mannequin heads by eve sweeney are pretty damn awesome. they could be: 1) severed heads in a barrel 2) retail displays 3) dressing table pieces. i like #1 the best moohahahahaaaaaa. but seriously, how cool are they! and she takes custom orders, too!

[ links ]
burlesque: click
eve sweeney: click

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