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[ christopher lee ] classic movie monsters... as hipsters

halloween weekend is coming up! i'm STILL looking for something to do saturday. i'm sure me and unnz will figure something out. clubbing anyone? in any case, on the actual DAY of halloween (monday), i think me and rrrichie rich and whoever else are gonna dress up and go down to georgetown.

i bet we'll see some hipster monsters like the ones above by christopher lee. the freelance illustrator is known for his unique way of holding a pencil known as "the claw." either way, gotta love his aesthetic~ and VERY interesting color choices in this illustration... not the expected, which is great!

[ links ] 
classic movie monsters... as hipsters: click
christopher lee: click

1 comment:

Whitney Josephine said...

Ha, it's hilarious that an artist named Christopher Lee made know, considering that OTHER Christopher Lee...