my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ reed + rader ] untitled


surgery went well! feeling stiff and (ew) itchy at the incision sites. some pain when i try to sleep but i've been avoiding pain meds - except this morning when i absolutely hadn't slept all night and needed it. in any case, whilst laying about bored out of my mind, i decided to go on a what-to-blog-quest. it's my very fluid way of finding awesome stuff to share with you guys!

which is when i happened upon reed + rader (pamela reed and matthew rader) -- a dynamic duo with dynamic work. i LOVE their style. its like.... video photography. it makes me think of haunted houses and mad circuses and all things creepy. something to cheer me up while i'm stuck at home post-surgery. cus we all know how much i love the offbeat and odd.

random but this style would make for such FUN wedding "photos" dont you think?? (and notice me and wifey choi in the first picture below performing our newest DDA dance.)


[ links ]
reed + rader: click

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