my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ with a little help from my friends ] timofy

* a little note about this blog post: so, i keep seeing things that remind me of my various friends or things my friends would like so i decided to start a new type of blog post. so here's my first post "with a little help from my friends" (oh how i love the beatles). enjoy!

1. the suit greeting card | little jane st. | a timofy-type outfit
2. bobo the dinosaur | zuny | timofy hairz?
3. alpha tea towel | blink designs | tutorific tea towel for naked tutoring pwaha!
4. sherlock holmes | emory allen | our grampa holmes...
5. sherlock holmes lego keychain | boxhounds | ... & he has a magnifying glass
6. reversible vest check black | uniqlo | this vest was made for timofy, forrealz

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