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[ i&s bbdo ] umino seaweed shop

spent this past weekend in the second greatest city of all time - NYC (the greatest being seoul, duh). and i got to spend the weekend with my brothers from other mothers mikey & benjameen. we went on foodie adventures all over the city from dinner at danji (ZOMG) to brunch at maialino (ZOMG). and then, mr. former executive chef of naked fish himself (benjameen) made us dinner on sunday night. DELICIOUS - i'm craving that bronzini carpaccio. yum.

well for all the other sushi enthusiasts out there, here is some amazing advertising for the umino seaweed shop. i&s bbdo NAILED it. and, yes, they actually laser-cut the seaweed for these ads. m'mm~!

[ links ]
umino seaweed shop: click
i&s bbdo: click
via design taxi: click

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