my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ my milk toof ] things for carrot #3

inhae renee lee is the mastermind behind these adorable little teefs. the story behind these little guys - ickle and lardee - is that they are her old baby teeth all grown up. it was hard to pick just one of the entries to share because they are ALL adorable but they've recently acquired a new house guest (or, i'm hoping, permanent roommate): a goldfish they've decided to call carrot. the last few entries have been things that the milk toofs are making for carrot! ^^ so sweet!

thanks to miss elly for posting this on her facebook and thus introducing me to the wonderful world of ickle and lardee.

just like marcel the shell with shoes on, these guys have their very own book out. i still want the marcel book and now i want this one as well. and i mean.... my bday is coming up.... hehehehe.

"We made you a telephone in case of emergencies."
"Testing, one, two, three...Testing!"
"Well, in case it doesn't work- we made you cell phones too."

a look inside inhae renee lee's process of making 'my milk toof'

[ links ]
things for carrot #3: click
my milk toof: click

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