my favorite design finds, current art projects, and more


[ marthaland ] mr. pilgrim

its THANKSGIVING. been talking about how much i can't wait for thanksgiving since LAST december (no joke). i love this holiday. and i have SO VERY MUCH to be thankful for. i'm thankful and grateful to ME for being strong and finding my true inner strength. i'm thankful for the family and friends-who-are-family who have been there for me the past 3 years (and always)... you are the reason i could find the strength that i had and i love you all so much i can't even put it into words. <3

its a beautiful day out. our turkey is wearing his fancy bacon suit (hehe). the food is almost all ready. and i get to spend this day and weekend w/ some of the ppl i love most. and to those who are far away, we're together in spirit!!! now eat some TURKEY!

quick little entry. love these clay figurines by martha thompson. she does lil slugs that i love. and her pieces are sooooo CLEAN and well done. you wouldn't even think they're handmade; they're made so well. she even does wedding cake toppers which i think is adorable/awesome.

"do not talk to mother in like fashion!"

[ links ]
mr. pilgrim: click
marthaland: click

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